About Our Vision and Mission

Our main objective is to enable youth to take up training to secure a better livelihood. Assessment and training fees under these paid modules are covered by the Government, or semi government and individual’s agency or person with prior experience can get certified. Many States in India don’t have their State paramedical council. Passout Paramedical’s or skill trained person wandering here & there for training assesment or for registration . So our council constituted in Private sector for betterment of the paramedicals and trained skill person in different field. The successful candidates after the period of training will be come eligible for appointments as Technicians or Assistants in Dental & General Hospitals/ Nursing Homes/ PHC’s. The council provide great employment opportunities & also ensures the availability of sufficient no. of qualified & trained Paramedical for the Upliftment of good health care system. we are follow many guidelines of national skill development corporation or different other sector skill council like that health sector and other sector skill council. we impart skill development through mode of Industrial training, Educational, Paramedical and vocational training . Our aim to start Paramedical and Skill Development Council is to provide a second opportunity to our young generation to continue their study left midway because of insufficient sources .Our courses are employment based which make self-reliant to our new generation. It will our priority to educate people by promoting technical education and employment to make them self-reliant. Since technical education plays an import role in human resource development, generating employment, increasing industrial production and improving the quality of life of the people. Paramedical and Skill Development Council running courses in self-study and regular or online mode via internship modules.
